Kia ora! I’m Tracy Morison
Researcher | Writer | Teacher
About Me
I trained as a Research Psychologist at Rhodes University in South Africa, where I also earned my doctoral degree in 2010 under the supervision of Prof Catriona Macleod. I have worked as a full-time researcher (2011-2016) as well as in higher education (2011, 2016-present). I currently work as a lecturer at Massey University, Aotearoa New Zealand, on the Turitea campus in Palmerston North. I remain affiliated with Rhodes University as an Honorary Research Associate of the Critical Studies in Sexualities and Reproduction programme. I am also a Editor-in-Chief of Feminism & Psychology, a leading international journal.
My main research area is sexual and reproductive health, spanning the areas of feminist, critical, and health psychology. The central goal of my work is to identify structural and systemic problems that need to be fixed to support sexual and reproductive rights and justice. To do this, I use qualitative research methods, which help show the social context of sexual and reproductive relationships, practices, and decisions. I'm interested in how people's different social identities (e.g., gender, race, class etc.) affect how they can have relationships, make decisions, and act in ways that have to do with sexuality and reproduction.
My teaching is primarily in health psychology at present, and I coordinate 2 postgrad courses for our MSc endorsement programme: Promoting Health and the Health Psychology Practicum. I have also taught in the areas of social, developmental, and gender psychology, as well as research methods and skills.
Below is more detailed information about my professional and educational journey to date.

Professional Experience
Background & Expertise
Associate Professor: Massey University, New Zealand
Senior Lecturer (2020-2023), Lecturer (2016-2019)
In 2016, I joined the Critical Health Psychology Programme at Massey, founded by internationally renowned academics from the School of Psychology, Kerry Chamberlain, Antonia Lyons, and Christine Stephens. Massey has been a leading light in critical health psychology, and in 2020 the programme celebrated its 30th Anniversary. (Read more about the history here.) As part of this role, I teach a 15-credit postgraduate course, Promoting Health, and am the course coordinator of our Practicum course, which gives students practical experience in a health organisation. I also conduct my funded research, supervise student research, and engage in academic service, including: peer review, examining student theses, editorial work, and community and media engagement.
Editor-in-Chief: Feminism & Psychology Journal
F&P is a leading international academic journal. It has significant scholarly impact (IF 5, 3023) and it highly regarded (ranked #1 in Women's Studies and #14 in Psychology). The journal has an Editor-in Chief and 2 Editors, along with a team of invited Associate editors, who are usually highly regarded feminist scholars working on a range of topics that are featured in F&P publications.
In 2019 I was made Associate Editor after responding to a call and being invited to join by the editorial team. In 2021, I was appointed as an editor after successfully applying to a call put out by the publisher (SAGE).
Research Associate: Critical Studies in Sexualities and Reproduction, Rhodes University, South Africa
(since 2013)
This 3-year renewable appointment is made through a nomination process and based on scholarly experience, reputation, and departmental motivation. The CSSR is a multi-disciplinary research programme based at Rhodes University. It was founded in 2012 as part of the South African Research Chairs Initiative, regarded as South Africa’s most prestigious academic research platforms and intended to attract and retain excellence in research and innovation at public universities.
Guest teaching at Rhodes:
Narrative Analysis, Honours workshops, 3hx3 (2012, 2013),
- Narrative-discursive analysis, post-grad workshops, 3hx1 (2019, 2022)
Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa
Senior Research Specialist (2015 - April 2016); Research Specialist (Dec 2011 - 2014)
The HSRC is South Africa's national research coordinating body, which conducts and promotes research through funding, capacity building and resource sharing. Its mandate is to inform the effective formulation and monitoring of government policy; to evaluate policy implementation; to stimulate public debate through the effective dissemination of research-based data and fact-based research results; to foster research collaboration; and to help build research capacity and infrastructure for the social sciences.
Department of Psychology, Rhodes University, South Africa
Contract Lecturer, 2007 - 2010 (part-time while completing PhD); 2011 (full-time)
Undergraduate teaching
Gender & Psychology (2007), 2nd year
Social Psychology (2010), 1st year
Developmental Psychology (2011), 2nd year
Health Psychology (2011), 3rd year
Postgraduate teaching
Narrative Analysis (2011), hons
Research Skills (2010, 2011), all levels
Service (2011): Tutor Coordinator ​​
Supervision - supervised and evaluated honours research projects.
Research assistant, July 2006 - 2010
As a research assistant, I worked on Prof Catriona Macleod's research project on public talk about abortion (literature search and review, information management, copyediting, organisation of research activities etc.).
I also did ad hoc freelance research and editorial work during this time outside of Rhodes University.

Tertiary Education
All at Rhodes University, South Africa
Rhodes is a small university enjoying the distinction of having among the best
undergraduate pass and graduation rates in South Africa,
outstanding postgraduate success rates,
and the best research output per academic staff member.
2007 - 2010
Ph.D (Psychology)
Supervisor: Catriona Macleod
Examiners: Karen Henwood, Sally Johnson, Carien Lubbe-de Beer
– described as: “exemplary”; “an excellent PhDstudy”
Conferred April 2011
Master of Arts in Research Psychology
with distinction
Bacherlor of Arts, Honours in Psychology
with Academic Colours
2001 - 2003
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology & English Literature)