Writing for wider audiences
​​Information, education & communication materials (accessible, plain language)
Contraceptive access and reproductive justice, ResearchPod (2023)
Investigating Sexual & Reproductive Injustice Podcast, ResearchPod (2021)
LARC Study Website – feedback to contributors & plain language dissemination
‘Dating rules’ & intimate partner violence in township schools. Research Brief. (2017)
High rates of sexual violence: younger learners most vulnerable. Research Highlight 1. (2017)
A culture of silence that normalises widespread violence. Research Highlight 2. (2017)
Gay Men as Parents and Caregivers: Information for service providers. Information booklet. (2016)

Brief reports [selected]
Morison, T. Brief reports for LARC providers + info sheet
Morison, T. Brief reports for contraceptive users + info sheet
*Morison, T., Lynch, I., Essop, R., & Tolla, T. (2017). ‘Dating rules’ and intimate partner violence in township schools: Findings from the SeViSSA Baseline Study. Research Brief. Cape Town: HSRC.
*Morison, T. & Janse van Vuuren, H. (2016). System failures and stigma: an unhealthy mix for women. Research brief: Making Sexual and reproductive rights real. Durban: AIDS Foundation of South Africa.
Morison, T., Moolman, B., & Reddy, V. (2015). Beyond the Clinic Walls: Making Sexual and Reproductive Rights Real for Marginalised Groups. In Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights: Barriers and boundaries. Durban: AIDS Foundation of South Africa.​
Morison, et al. (2018). Rethinking ‘risk’ in sexual and reproductive health policy: Implications for marginalised youth. Policy Brief. Massey University.
Morison, et al. (2016). Focus on ‘The Family’: How South African family policy could fail us. HSRC Policy Brief. HSRC Press. [Peer reviewed].
Morison, T. et al. (2014). Framework for developing a National Policy on Gender Equity in Basic Education. Submitted to Dept. of Basic Education & Unicef [United Nations Children's Fund].